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Zerro Sort Comic - Available Online Now!

Posted on May 1st, 2018 at 4:00 PM
Zerro Sort Comic - Available Online Now!

Here at Whirley-DrinkWorks, it is our goal to be good stewards of the planet by conducting our business in an environmentally responsible manner and by supporting initiatives that positively impact the quality of life in our local communities. Key to this goal is our strategy to become a "Zerro Waste" company by continuously reducing waste generated by Warren business operations and achieve Zerro residual waste by 12/31/2020.

"Zerro" vs. Zero?

You may have noticed our use of the spelling "Zerro" instead of "zero" (they're both pronounced the same); this comes from our Green Team mascot...

Introducing our hero, Zerro! He was developed to emphasize our recycling and reduction efforts. His image is used on recycle cans, literature, and anywhere else an emphasis on the Planet P is needed. Zerro comic strips are published semi-annually, and provide a way to make Planet-related issues fun and engaging. TeamMates have the ability to influence the comic strip by participating in Green Team projects and events that are hosted throughout the year.

Some of Zerro's traits:

  • Appears and disappears in the form of a shadow
  • Has an ability to manipulate nature within his immediate surroundings
  • Communicates through telepathy
  • It is impossible for Zerro to leave any negative impact on nature or living beings
  • His cape is an impenetrable shield
  • Zerro will always provide an air of confidence that nothing is too big or difficult to be accomplished
  • Zerro doesn't necessarily "defeat" bad acts or characters, but rather changes them for the better

Zerro's first story arc, "The Adventure to Zerro," is published here on the Good Idea Club website, or check it out anytime in the "TeamMate Resource Center."