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Idea Initiative - New Features for the Good Idea Club

Posted on November 27th, 2018 at 2:00 PM

What are Idea Initiatives?

Idea Initiatives are special questions that Good Idea Club Responding Managers raise to our TeamMates to encourage dialogue and generate suggestions for important issues. We often critique our practices and look for TeamMate opinions to locate areas for improvement. As a special award, any idea that is submitted in-line with a Idea Initiative will receive an additional coin award (just mark the "Idea Initiative" category when submitting a new idea to the forum).

New Idea Initiative:

"What are some new features you'd like to see on the Good Idea Club?"

As many of you have noticed, we've brought in some Good Idea Club kiosks to our Manufacturing Break Rooms. This has been a "soft launch" in advance of an official announcement (still to come), but we want to know what you think are some possibilities for this new format! In 2019 we will be increasing our focus on Good Idea Club participation now that we have the tools and training in place to consistently respond to Good Ideas on-time (we're up to 94% this year versus 56% in 2016).

What this means for TeamMates is a revised requirement to submit at least three ideas per year. To make this as easy as possible, the Good Idea Club Kiosks have been rolled out to provide a dedicated option for submitting ideas. Instead of being relegated to our old, all-in-one computers, TeamMates can use these touch-screen kiosks to quickly log in and submit ideas. Additionally, we aim to provide structured time to participate during paid working hours every month for every TeamMate.

What are some new features you'd like to see on the Good Idea Club, or made available through these kiosks? What can we add, change, or remove? Let us know with a Good Idea submission today! Note - there are keyboards coming!

Take a look at all of our Idea Inititives by clicking on this link!