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Idea Initiative - Improve on 5S Standards

Posted on June 5th, 2019 at 5:00 PM

What are Idea Initiatives?

Idea Initiatives are special questions that Good Idea Club Responding Managers raise to our TeamMates to encourage dialogue and generate suggestions for important issues. We often critique our practices and look for TeamMate opinions to locate areas for improvement. As a special award, any idea that is submitted in-line with a Idea Initiative will receive an additional coin award (just mark the "Idea Initiative" category when submitting a new idea to the forum).

New Idea Initiative:

"Lean Manufacturing and 5S specifically rely on TeamMate input to set standards. What are some locations that the established 5S Standards are not effective, and how can we improve upon them?"

If you are familiar with the eight forms of muda (waste), the most difficult to identify and frequently overlooked type is Non-utilized Talent. As the true “Experts” (with the most experience, intuition, knowledge, and skills in your work area), it is critical that the standards are set by you! While our 5S teams try their best, they only represent a small fraction of those affected by their decisions. This has worked well enough as we’ve set initial standards for most of our company, but there is always room for improvement, and we need your Talent to do it!

Can you think of any areas, locations, or other standards that have proven ineffective or could be improved? Do you need to move an essential item, or work outside it’s Set In Order location to get the job done? For each location you identify, please tell us how we can improve the situation, and the 5S Team Leaders will work to trial your suggestion, gather feedback from all affected TeamMates, and change the standard if necessary!