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Idea Initiative - Alternatives for Food Waste

Posted on April 20th, 2018 at 2:00 PM

What are Idea Initiatives?

Idea Initiatives are special questions that Good Idea Club Responding Managers raise to our TeamMates to encourage dialogue and generate suggestions for important issues. We often critique our practices and look for TeamMate opinions to locate areas for improvement. As a special award, any idea that is submitted in-line with a Idea Initiative will receive an additional coin award (just mark the "Idea Initiative" category when submitting a new idea to the forum).

New Idea Initiative:

"What are some alternatives for food-waste recycling?"

Starting on Monday 4/23/18, we will no longer have the ability to provide the frozen food waste to local farmers for pig feed. In the meantime, we encourage all TeamMates to continue to dispose of the food scraps into the freezer buckets as we always have been, although it will temporarily be added to our waste totals. We need your help to determine some alternatives for responsible food-waste recycling. Once a new recycling solution has been developed it will be much easier to implement without disruption. If you or anyone you know is interested in utilizing the scraps, please contact Kevin Downey (x2419) about it.

Take a look at all of our Idea Inititives by clicking on this link!