Good Idea Pause for IQMS Suggestions
TeamMates - as communicated by the IQMS Core Team through various channels, we expect the full IQMS transition process for "Go-Live" to be lengthy; this is not unexpected for any ERP implementation, and you have undoubtedly experienced various errors, breakdowns, or noticed features missing from our previous systems. As such, the CORE Team and support are diligently working to counter these issues - focusing on the most critical first.
Given this situation, and our limited resources, we have decided to place a pause on Good Idea Club suggestions relating to IQMS. If you experience a critical problem, please reach out to a member of the IQMS CORE Team as soon as possible. This ensures that it is corrected immediately. For those situations that are less than critical - or requests for features available in previous systems, please hold off submitting until the transition period ends and everyone has settled into the new workflow. We expect this to take approximately six (6) months.
The idea category for Harmony (ARAS / IQMS) has been amended to reflect this, and future ideas violating these terms will be marked as "Not Accepted" and administratively closed (no award).
In the meantime, please continue to submit other categories of ideas! Some areas to focus on are our 5Ps (People, Profitable Sales, Process Improvements, Products, and Planet) and the other five Big 6 Strategic Initiatives (Safety, TeamMate Engagement, Increase Profitable Sales, Total Cost Management, and Customer Development Plan / Product Development Plan).