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30th Anniversary Announcement

Posted on March 31st, 2023 at 12:00 AM
30th Anniversary Announcement

Whirley Family of Brands TeamMates! I just wanted to take this opportunity to announce the 30th Anniversary of the Good Idea Club!

Documentation covering the Good Idea Club process was formally released to Managers on Wednesday, March 31, 1993. Previously, TeamMate suggestions for improvements had always been encouraged and were often acted upon and completed very quickly when we were a small company. In 1993, more than 350 TeamMates were working here, and it became apparent that a more organized way of handling TeamMate ideas and suggestions was needed. Bob Sokolski created the job position of Good Idea Coordinator, responsible for keeping track of ideas, seeing that they’re properly rewarded, and working with Responding Managers to implement deserving ideas.


A memo from Team Operate outlining the creation of the Good Idea Club from an earlier employee suggestion program. Original copy courtesy of Bobbi Engstrom.

In June of 1993, Dave Klenck gave Bob Sokolski a small book entitled "Battle Plan for American Business." Within one of the chapters concerning Employee Suggestion systems, was a list of "12 Golden Rules" that closely matched the ideals of which we established our Good Idea Club. Bob formally adopted their list verbatim, and these rules remain today as guiding principles for the Good Idea Club.

The first "coins" were actually paper slips handwritten and delivered to each TeamMate. Scanned original copy courtesy of Lisa Launer.

Physically minted coins served as the currency for Good Ideas for many years. After switching to the new system, a contest was held for the most creative uses of coins. An example was this fish made from coins. Picture courtesy of Kim Brecht.

See Also: Good Idea Club Handbook 1998

Minor changes to the Good Idea Club are made from time to time to make the Club even better. Today, the program is part of our Operational Excellence Department. As always, our motive is Continuous Improvement, and we encourage all TeamMates to take advantage of the program. As such, for a special limited promotion, Accepted and Implemented Ideas that are submitted today only, between the hours of 12:00:00 AM and 11:59:59 PM EST will receive 30 additional coins after the idea is closed by the Responding Manager! Limited to one idea & reward per TeamMate. Please reach out with any questions!

Live long and prosper,

Zack Dickerson
Operational Excellence Manager - Whirley-DrinkWorks!
Ph: 800-825-5575 x1173
Amazing Ideas. Extraordinary Results!